viernes, 7 de febrero de 2014


Bienvenidos a nuestro blog!

La intención que tenemos es crear un espacio dedicado en exclusiva a la música, a esas canciones que sobrepasan fronteras y tiempos. Tendremos música para toda una vida, para bailar, cocinar, limpiar, es decir, para acompañarnos en cada paso que damos, puede que seamos un poco melómanos... :)

Para nuestra primera entrada creo que lo mas adecuado es una canción con fundamento, especial para nosotros y que motiva mucho: Timing de Kevin Johansen

En primer lugar tenéis un enlace a su pagina web, a continuación la letra y para terminar el vídeo con la traducción.

Timing - Kevin Johansen
Suc.. cess.. suc.. cess.. sucs..
If you want to be afraid, just be afraid
If you want to go back home, just go back home
If you want to comb your hair, just comb your hair
If you want to be alone, just be alone
If you want to watch the sea, just watch the sea
But do it now, timing is the answer
Do it now, timing is the answer to success..
If you want to give a kiss, just give a kiss
If you want to fall in love, just fall in love
If you want to never know, just never know
If you want to throw a fit, just throw a fit

If you want to give a show, just give a show
But do it now, timing is the answer..
Do it now, timing is the answer to success
Timing is the answer to success..
I say, I suppose, I suppose
And if you want to weoh weoh, just weoh weoh ooh
If you want to tralala, just tralala
If you want to booh hooh, just booh hooh
And if you want to salama salama, just salama salama
But do it now, just do it now
Do it now, just do it now..
Timing is the answer..
And if you don’t know what to say
And if you you don't know where do go
And if you don’t know what to do
Just do it now..
Please do it now..
Timing is the answer..
Timing is the answer.. to suc.. cess


Aquí podéis visionar el vídeo con la traducción de la canción:

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