sábado, 6 de diciembre de 2014

This is my product

Llevo un tiempo pensando en repetir algunas series en nuestra pagina Sounds for series, hay bandas sonoras realmente interesantes.
Pero al final si hay una serie que merece el primer segundo articulo es Breaking Bad.

Ni siquiera nos vamos a centrar en su maravillosa banda sonora de la que ya destacamos varias en el articulo Breaking Bad, sino en una pieza única que nos llega desde Mattatjeoorlog.nl donde encontrareis más videos de este estilo pero, para mi gusto, no de este calibre :)

Me parece una idea brillante, en This is my product juegan con la canción principal de la serie al mas puro estilo de Darude, me ha proporcionado unas buenas risas e incluso encontré la letra entre los comentarios de Vimeo. Motivo más que suficiente para compartirlo con vosotros.

This is my product

What the hell, is this?
What? This, this, this is my product 2x

I made you my bitch
When we started all this
Its cost of business
That's what this is
Stand up the heat
Look at that, look!
That's what we need, so we can cook.

Do what I say
It's not a request
Still the best way
She's by far the best
Something nice for my son
Just tell me it's done, something fun
They say "He was the bomb!"

This, this, this is my product
this is my product 2x
This, this, this

53 crashes, get it off the chest
So I can pay taxes and you got the rest
What the hell man?
I don't vote for this plan
Just listen to me, how much worse could it be?
Worst case scenario, hail Hitler Bitch!
What the hell yo?
That's the name of our snitch
Speaking in witch
Rise still this!
I'm the one who knocks!
Just think outside the box.

This, this, this is my product 2x
this is my product 2x
This, this, this this is my product

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